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Home » Your Needs and Your Context

Your Needs and Your Context

Recently, I was struck by a new theme that showcased what I could do for clients and inquirers. BUT the more I read about the theme, the focus just seemed to be on “I” and “my way”. It did not appear to be concerned with the current and future issues that you need to tackle.

Photo a glass ball being held in a hand and showing an image of trees and scenery ahead but the image is upside down.

Image by NickyPe from Pixabay

“So, what are your needs and what is your current context? What future context do you envisage for your organisation? Which risks will we need to minimise on that path? Preferred ways need to be worked out and discussed so we are clear about what is important to your organisation and to you and how you can reach the point at which you feel confident to proceed towards your new direction.”

However in many web site themes, the text gives an upside down emphasis to “I will do this and that for you” without taking time to consider the points above and ways in which you could work through such changes. Just as in the photo looking at issues the wrong way may lead to an upside down view that masks the reality. You may have guessed that the above quote is my own as that is a brief idea of how I approach advisory work.

You can gain more insight into my approach, experience and views by reading my blog articles and grasp my experience set out on LinkedIn. You may also find the page on Helpful Resources of interest.

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